Brazil 2022-JUN-22 - -

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Federative Republic of BRAZIL

Federative Republic of BRAZIL

Flag or Logo since 1992-05-11
República Federativa do BRASIL (pt) UNO Member
Emblem or Symbol

President Jair Bolsonaro
(ruler of BRAZIL since 2019-01-01)
Capitals & administrative places: Brasilia
Official & national languages: Portuguese (pt) .


BRAZIL Federative Republic of BRAZIL  (Brasilia)

26 Federated Divisions:

ACRE State of ACRE  (Rio Branco)Local: Estado do ACRE (pt)  (Rio Branco)
ALAGOAS State of ALAGOAS  (Maceio)Local: Estado do ALAGOAS (pt)  (Maceió)
AMAPA State of AMAPA  (Macapa)Local: Estado do AMAPÁ (pt)  (Macapá)
AMAZONIA State of AMAZON  (Manaos)Local: Estado de AMAZONAS (pt)  (Manaus)
BAHIA State of BAHIA  (Salvador of Bahia)Local: Estado da BAHIA (pt)  (São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos)
CEARA State of CEARA  (Fortaleza)Local: Estado do CEARÁ (pt)  (Fortaleza)
ESPIRITO SANTO State of ESPIRITO SANTO  (Vitoria)Local: Estado do ESPÍRITO SANTO (pt)  (Vitória)
GENERAL MINES State of GENERAL MINES  (Belo Horizonte)Local: Estado de MINAS GERAIS (pt)  (Belo Horizonte)
GOIAS State of GOIAS  (Goiania)Local: Estado de GOIÁS (pt)  (Goiânia)
MARANHAO State of MARANHAO  (Saint Louis of the Maranhao)Local: Estado do MARANHÃO (pt)  (São Luís do Maranhão)
MATO GROSSO State of MATO GROSSO  (Cuiaba)Local: Estado de MATO GROSSO (pt)  (Cuiabá)
MATO GROSSO SOUTH State of MATO GROSSO DO SUL  (Campo Grande)Local: Estado de MATO GROSSO DO SUL (pt)  (Campo Grande)
PARA State of PARA  (Belem)Local: Estado do PARA (pt)  (Belém)
PARAIBA State of PARAIBA  (Joao Pessoa)Local: Estado da PARAÍBA (pt)  (João Pessoa)
PARANA State of PARANA  (Curitiba)Local: Estado do PARANÁ (pt)  (Curitiba)
PERNAMBUC State of PERNAMBUC  (Recife)Local: Estado de PERNAMBUCO (pt)  (Recife)
PIAUI State of PIAUI  (Teresina)Local: Estado do PIAUÍ (pt)  (Teresina)
RIO DE JANEIRO State of RIO DE JANEIRO  (Rio de Janeiro)Local: Estado do RIO DE JANEIRO (pt)  (Rio de Janeiro)
RIO GRANDE NORTH State of RIO GRANDE DO NORTE  (Natal)Local: Estado do RIO GRANDE DO NORTE (pt)  (Natal)
RIO GRANDE SOUTH State of RIO GRANDE DO SUL  (Porto Alegre)Local: Estado do RIO GRANDE DO SUL (pt)  (Porto Alegre)
RONDONIA State of RONDONIA  (Porto Velho)Local: Estado do RONDÔNIA (pt)  (Porto Velho)
RORAIMA State of RORAIMA  (Boa Vista)Local: Estado de RORAIMA (pt)  (Boa Vista)
SAINT CATHERINE State of SAINT CATHERINE  (Florianopolis)Local: Estado de SANTA CATARINA (pt)  (Florianópolis)
SAO PAULO State of SAO PAULO  (Sao Paulo)Local: Estado de SÃO PAULO (pt)  (São Paulo)
SERGIPE State of SERGIPE  (Aracaju)Local: Estado de SERGIPE (pt)  (Aracaju)
TOCANTINS State of TOCANTINS  (Palmas)Local: Estado do TOCANTINS (pt)  (Palmas)

1 Territory:

FEDERAL DISTRICT FEDERAL DISTRICT Government  (Brasilia)Local: Governo do DISTRITO FEDERAL (pt)  (Brasília)

Military entity abroad, special or locally shared:

SAO PAULO BASE United States Naval Support Detachment SAO PAULO  (Sao Paulo Base)Local: United States Naval Support Detachment SÃO PAULO (en)  (São Paulo Base)

104 Organisations or Groupings membership (selective)

AFRICAN BANK African Development Bank : AFDB  (Tunis)
AIR SPORTS World Air Sports Federation : WASF  (Lausanne)
AMAZON Secretariat of Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization : ACTO  (Brasilia)
AMERICAN STATES Organization of American States : OAS  (Washington-District of Columbia)
ANTARCTICA Antarctic Treaty System : ATS  ((Buenos Aires))
ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE BANK Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank : AIIB  (Beijing)
ATLANTIC TUNA International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas : ICCAT  (Madrid)
BRICS Organization of Brazil Russia India China South Africa Group : BRICS  (New Delhi)
BRICS BANK New Development Bank : NDB BRICS  (Shanghai)
CAIRNS GROUP THE CAIRNS GROUP of Fair Trading Nations  (Cairns)
CARIBBEAN BANK Caribbean Development Bank : CDB  (Bridgetown)
CENTRAL BANK Bank for International Settlements : BIS  (Basle)
CHEMICAL WEAPONS PROHIBITION Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons : OPCW  (The Hague)
COMMON FUND Common Fund for Commodities : CFC  (Geneva)
CUSTOMS World Customs Organization : WCO  (Brussels)
EUROPEAN SOUTHERN OBSERVATORY European Southern Observatory : ESO  (Garching near Munich)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations : FAO Specialized Agency  (Rome)
FIFA Federation of International Football Association : FIFA  (Zurich)
FINANCE Financial Stability Board : FSB  (Basle)
GLOBAL FUND The Global Fund to Fight Aids Tuberculosis and Malaria : GFATM  (Vernier-Geneva)
GROUP OF SEVENTY-SEVEN GROUP OF SEVENTY-SEVEN at the United Nations [Coalition of Developing Countries]  (New York)
GROUP OF TWENTY-FOUR Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs and Development : GROUP OF TWENTY-FOUR  (Washington-District of Columbia)
HAGUE CONFERENCE Hague Conference on Private International Law : HCCH  (The Hague)
HAGUE CONVENTION Permanent Court of Arbitration : PCA  (The Hague)
HUMANITARIAN LAW International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission : IHFFC  (Berne)
HYDROGRAPHY International Hydrographic Organization : IHO  (Monaco)
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency : IAEA Specialized Agency  (Vienna)
IBERO-AMERICAN STATES Organization of Ibero-American States for Education Science and Culture : OIS  (Madrid)
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development : IBRD  (Washington-District of Columbia)
IBSA IBSA Dialogue Forum : Group of Three  (New Delhi)
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization : ICAO Specialized Agency  (Montreal)
ICJ International Court of Justice : ICJ  (The Hague)
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development : IFAD Specialized Agency  (Rome)
ILO International Labour Organization : ILO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
IMF International Monetary Fund : IMF Specialized Agency  (Washington-District of Columbia)
IMO International Maritime Organization : IMO Specialized Agency  (London)
IMSO International Mobile Satellite Organization : IMSO  (London)
INBAR International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation : INBAR  (Beijing)
INTER-AMERICAN BANK Inter-American Development Bank : IADB  (Washington-District of Columbia)
INTER-PARLIAMENTARY UNION Inter-Parliamentary Union : IPU  (Grand Saconnex)
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT International Criminal Court : ICCT  (The Hague)
INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization : ICPO  (Lyons)
IOM International Organization for Migration : IOM Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
ISO International Organization for Standardization : ISO  (Geneva)
ITALY-LATIN AMERICA Italian-Latin American Institute : ILAI  (Rome)
ITSO International Telecommunications Satellite Organization : ITSO  (Washington-District of Columbia)
ITU International Telecommunication Union : ITU Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
LATIN AMERICA Latin American Integration Association : LAIA  (Montevideo)
LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Latin American and Caribbean Economic System : LAES  (Caracas)
LATIN AMERICAN BANK Andean Development Corporation-Development Bank of Latin America : ADC  (Caracas)
LUSOPHONIA Community of Portuguese Language Countries : CPLP  (Lisbon)
MARITIME LAW International Maritime Committee : IMC  (Antwerp)
MERCOSUR Southern Common Market : MERCOSUR  (Montevideo)
MISSILES Missile Technology Control Regime : MTCR  (Paris)
NEW AGENDA New Agenda Coalition : NAC  (Dublin)
NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty : NPT  (New York)
NUCLEAR TEST BAN Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Organization : CTBTO [Provisional Secretariat]  (Vienna)
OHCHR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights : OHCHR Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
OLYMPIC GAMES International Olympic Committee : IOC  (Lausanne)
OPANAL Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean : OPANAL  (Mexico City)
PAHO Pan-American Health Organization : PAHO  (Washington-District of Columbia)
PARLATINO Latin American Parliament : PARLATINO  (Panama City)
PEACE World Peace Council : WPC  (Athens)
RED CROSS International Committee of the Red Cross : ICRC  (Geneva)
RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies : IFRCS  (Geneva)
RIO PACT Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance : IATRA  (Rio de Janeiro)
ROMS International Romani Union : IRU  (Prague)
SEABED Secretariat of the International Seabed Authority : ISA  (Kingston)
SOUTH ATLANTIC ZONE South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone : SAPCZ  (Brasilia)
SOUTH CENTRE SOUTH CENTRE Organization  (Geneva)
TRIBUNAL OF THE SEA International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea : ITLOS  (Hamburg)
UN WOMEN United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women : UN WOMEN  (New York)
UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements Programme : UN-HABITAT Specialized Agency  (Nairobi)
UNAOC United Nations Organization Alliance of Civilizations : UNAOC  (New York)
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development : UNCTAD  (Geneva)
UNDP United Nations Development Programme : UNDP Specialized Agency  (New York)
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme : UNEP Specialized Agency  (Nairobi)
UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization : UNESCO Specialized Agency  (Paris)
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change : UNFCCC  (New York)
UNHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees : UNHCR Agency  (Geneva)
UNICEF United Nations International Children´s Emergency Fund : UNICEF Specialized Agency  (New York)
UNIDIR United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research : UNIDIR Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization : UNIDO Specialized Agency  (Vienna)
UNITED NATIONS United Nations Organization : UNO  (New York)
UNODA United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs : UNODA [Conference on Disarmament]  (Geneva)
UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime : UNODC Agency  (Vienna)
UNOOSA Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies : OUTER SPACE Treaty  (Vienna)
UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : UNRWA  (Gaza + Amman)
UNWTO World Tourism Organization : UNWTO Specialized Agency  (Madrid)
UPEACE University for Peace : UPEACE  (Ciudad Colon)
UPU Universal Postal Union : UPU Specialized Agency  (Berne)
WEIGHTS AND MEASURES International Bureau of Weights and Measures : IBWM  (Sevres + Saint Cloud)
WFP World Food Programme : WFP  (Rome)
WHALING International Whaling Commission : IWC  (Impington)
WHO World Health Organization : WHO Specialized Agency  (Pregny-Chambesy)
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization : WIPO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
WMO World Meteorological Organization : WMO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
WORLD BUSINESS International Chamber of Commerce : ICC [The Word Business Organization]  (Paris)
WORLD TRADE World Trade Organization : WTO  (Geneva)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

SAO PAULO BASE United States Naval Support Detachment SAO PAULO  (Sao Paulo Base)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .