Gabon 1975-JUN-02 - -

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(Paris) - (Libreville) -

Gabonese Republic : GABON

Flag or Logo since 1960-08-17
République GABONAISE (fr) UNO Member
Emblem or Symbol

President Valery Giscard d´Estaing
(ruler of FRANCE since 1974-05-27)

President Omar Bongo
(ruler of GABON since 1967-11-28)
Capitals & administrative places: Libreville
Official & national languages: French (fr) .


GABON GABONESE Republic  (Libreville)

9 Divisions:

ESTUARY ESTUARY Province  (Libreville)Local: Province de l´ESTUAIRE (fr)  (Libreville)
MIDDLE OGOWE MIDDLE OGOWE Province  (Lambarene)Local: Province du MOYEN-OGOOUÉ (fr)  (Lambaréné)
NGUNIE NGUNIE Province  (Mwila)Local: Province de la N´GOUNIÉ (fr)  (Mouila)
NYANGA NYANGA Province  (Chibanga)Local: Province de la NYANGA (fr)  (Tchibanga)
OGOWE-IVINDO OGOWE-IVINDO Province  (Makoku)Local: Province de l´OGOOUÉ-IVINDO (fr)  (Makokou)
OGOWE-LOLO OGOWE-LOLO Province  (Kulamutu)Local: Province de l´OGOOUÉ-LOLO (fr)  (Koulamoutou)
OGOWE-MARITIME OGOWE-MARITIME Province  (Port Gentil)Local: Province de l´OGOOUÉ-MARITIME (fr)  (Port-Gentil)
UPPER OGOWE UPPER OGOWE Province  (Franceville)Local: Province du HAUT-OGOOUÉ (fr)  (Franceville)
WOLEU-NTEM WOLEU-NTEM Province  (Oyem)Local: Province du WOLEU-N´TEM (fr)  (Oyem)

1 Government or Movement in Exile

SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE Movement for the Liberation of SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE  (Libreville) Manuel Pinto da Costa

46 Organisations or Groupings membership (selective)

AFRICA AND MAURITIUS Common African and Mauritian Organization : CAMO  (Bangui)
AFRICAN BANK African Development Bank : AFDB  (Abidjan)
AFRICAN NATURE African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources : CONVENTION ON CONSERVATION  (Algiers)
AFRICAN UNITY Organization of African Unity : OAU  (Addis Ababa)
AMOIP African and Malgache Office of Industrial Propriety : AMOIP  (Yaounde)
ASECNA Agency for the Safety of Air Navigation in Africa and Madagascar : ASECNA  (Dakar)
ATLANTIC TUNA International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas : ICCAT  (Madrid)
BRAZZAVILLE GROUP BRAZZAVILLE GROUP of French-Speaking States  (Brazzaville)
COMMON FUND Common Fund for Commodities : CFC  (Geneva)
CUSTOMS Customs Cooperation Council : CCC  (Brussels)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations : FAO Specialized Agency  (Rome)
FIFA Federation of International Football Association : FIFA  (Zurich)
FRANCE-AFRICA Conference of Heads of State of Africa and France : FRANCE-AFRICA Summit  (Bangui)
FRANCOPHONE STATES Agency for Cultural and Technical Co-operation : ACCT  (Paris)
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : GATT  (Villa Bocage)
GROUP OF SEVENTY-SEVEN Coalition of Developing Countries : GROUP OF SEVENTY-SEVEN  (Manila)
GROUP OF TWENTY-FOUR Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs and Development : GROUP OF TWENTY-FOUR  (Washington-District of Columbia)
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency : IAEA Specialized Agency  (Vienna)
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development : IBRD  (Washington-District of Columbia)
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization : ICAO Specialized Agency  (Montreal)
ICJ International Court of Justice : ICJ  (The Hague)
ILO International Labour Organization : ILO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
IMF International Monetary Fund : IMF Specialized Agency  (Washington-District of Columbia)
INTELSAT International Telecommunications Satellite Organization : INTELSAT  (Washington-District of Columbia)
INTER-PARLIAMENTARY UNION Inter-Parliamentary Union : IPU  (Geneva)
INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization : ICPO  (Saint Cloud)
ISLAM Organization of the Islamic Conference : OIC  (Jedda)
ITU International Telecommunication Union : ITU Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
NON-ALIGNED Non-Aligned Movement : NAM  (Algiers + New York)
NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty : NPT  (New York)
OLYMPIC GAMES International Olympic Committee : IOC  (Lausanne)
REFRIGERATION International Institute of Refrigeration : IIR  (Paris)
UDEAC Customs and Economic Union of Central Africa : UDEAC  (Brazzaville)
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development : UNCTAD  (Geneva)
UNDP United Nations Development Programme : UNDP Specialized Agency  (New York)
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme : UNEP Specialized Agency  (Nairobi)
UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization : UNESCO Specialized Agency  (Paris)
UNHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees : UNHCR Agency  (Geneva)
UNICEF United Nations International Children´s Emergency Fund : UNICEF Specialized Agency  (New York)
UNITED NATIONS United Nations Organization : UNO  (New York)
UPU Universal Postal Union : UPU Specialized Agency  (Berne)
WFP World Food Programme : WFP  (Rome)
WHO World Health Organization : WHO Specialized Agency  (Pregny-Chambesy)
WMO World Meteorological Organization : WMO Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
WORLD TOURISM World Tourism Organization : WTOO  (Madrid)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

CAMP DE GAULLE French Troops in Gabon : FTG  (Camp De Gaulle)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .