Kangwane 1981-APR-01 - ethnia.org -


SWAZILAND (Mbabane aj + Lobamba lrUNO Member Kingdom of SWAZILAND : King Sobhuza II
KANGWANE (Louieville)  Autonomous Homeland of KANGWANE :

Other Entities with similar names

Republic of South Africa : RSA
(Pretoria ae + Cape Town l + Bloemfontein j)

Autonomous Homeland of KANGWANE

Flag or Logo since 1978-11-10
KANGWANE Homeland (en) + KANGWANE Tuisland (af) + Ka NGWANE (ss)
Emblem or Symbol

Marais Viljoen
(ruler of SOUTH AFRICA since 1979-06-04)
Capitals & administrative places: Louieville
Official & national languages: