Heiho 1945-JUL-05 - ethnia.org -


JAPAN  MANCHURIA  Great Empire of Manchuria : MANCHUKUO
(Tokyo) - (Hsinking) - (Hsinking)

HEIHO Province

Flag or Logo since 1934-03-09
HEI-HO Sheng : 瑷珲 省 (zh) + KUROKAWA Ichi : 黒河市 (ja) + HEI-HO Anto : ᠠᡳ᠌ᡥᡡᠨ (mnc)
Emblem or Symbol

Emperor Hirohito
(ruler of JAPAN since 1926-12-25)

Emperor Kang-Teh Pu-Yi
(ruler of MANCHURIA since 1932-03-09)
Capitals & administrative places: Heiho
Official & national languages: