Islamic Yemen 2015-MAR-27 - -   


NORTH YEMEN (Sanaa) RebellionDe facto Semi-Independent Republic of YEMEN [Zayd Houthi´s Revolutionary Committee] : President Mohammad Ali al-Houthi
ISLAMIC YEMEN ((Sanaa)) Rebellion Islamic State in Yemen : ISY : Abu Bilal al-Harbi
SOUTH YEMEN (Zinjibar q + Ataq gEx UNO MemberRebellion Supreme Council of the Revolutionary and Peaceful SOUTHERN Movement : Hassan Baoum
YEMEN ((Aden) + Riyadh xUNO MemberRebellionExile Governement-in-Exile of the Republic of YEMEN : President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi
ARABIAN PENINSULA (Tarim) Rebellion Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula : AQAP : Emir Nasir Al-Wuhayshi

Other Entities with similar names

Caliphate of the Islamic State : DAESH
(Rakka + Mosul)

Islamic State in Yemen : ISY

Flag or Logo since 2014-11-13
Wilayat al-YAMAN : ولاية اليمن (ar) Rebellion
Emblem or Symbol

Caliph Ibrahim Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
(ruler of ISLAMIC STATE since 2010-04-18)
Capitals & administrative places: (Sanaa)
() capital or HQ de facto partially ou totally outside of the territory
Official & national languages: