Kosovo 1934-OCT-09 - ethnia.org -


Kingdom of YUGOSLAVIA ZETA Banovina
(Belgrade) (Cetinje)

District of KOSOVO

Flag or Logo since 1918-12-01
KOSOSVSKI okrug : КОСОВСКИ округ (sh)
Emblem or Symbol

King Peter II Karageorgevich
(ruler of YUGOSLAVIA since 1934-10-09)
Capitals & administrative places: Prishtina
Official & national languages: Serbocroatian (sh) .


KOSOVO District of KOSOVO  (Prishtina)

1 Divisions:

PRISHTINA District of PRISHTINA  (Prishtina)Local: PRIŠTINSKI okrug : ПРИШТИНСКИ округ (sh)  (Priština)

3 Territories:

GJAKOVA GJAKOVA Vicinity  (Gjakova)Local: ĐAKOVICA  (Đakovica)
PEC District of PEC  (Pec)Local: PEĆKI okrug : ПЕЋКИ округ (sh)  (Peć)
PRIZREN District of PRIZREN  (Prizren)Local: PRIZRENSKI okrug : ПРИЗРЕНСКИ округ (sh)  (Prizren)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .