1993-DEC-30 |
(Berne lq + Lausanne j) - (Brussels a + Luxembourg j + Strasbourg l) - (Rome a) - (Vatican City a + Pontifical Palace of Castel Gandolfo s) - |
State of Vatican City : HOLY SEE |
Flag or Logo since 1929-06-07 | Emblem or Symbol |
Capitals & administrative places: | Vatican City a + Pontifical Palace of Castel Gandolfo s (Città del Vaticano + Palazzo Pontificio di Castel Gandolfo) |
a administrative, national or political capital (also ruler's residence)
r summer capital |
Official & national languages: | German (de) . French (fr) . Italian (it) . Latin (la) . |
w recognized, diplomatic or working language at national level
y liturgical language |
HOLY SEE | State of VATICAN CITY (Vatican City + Pontifical Palace of Castel Gandolfo) |
VATICAN CITY | State of VATICAN CITY (Vatican City) | Local: | Stato della CITTÀ DEL VATICANO (it) + Status Civitatis VATICANAE (la) + État de la CITÉ DU VATICAN (fr) + Staat der VATIKANSTADT (de) (Città del Vaticano) |
CHRISTIAN HOLY SITES | Properties of the Roman Catholic Church in Israel : CHRISTIAN HOLY SITES (Holy Christian Sites) | Local: | Proprietè del SANTO SITI CRISTIANI nel Israele (it) + Mapiens sal Antien HaCatulith Yisrael : ATRIM KEDOSHIM LENZROT – מאפיינים של הכנסייה הקתולית בישראל : אתרים קדושים לנצרות (he) + AL-OMAKEN AL-MEKDSH AL-CHRISTAH : خصائص الكنيسة الكاثوليكية الرومانية في إسرائيل : الأماكن المقدسة المسيحية (ar) (Santo Siti Cristiani) |
HOLY SEE IN ITALY | Special Properties of the HOLY SEE IN ITALY (Pontifical Palace) | Local: | Proprietà Spezziali della SANTA SEDE NELL´ITALIA (it) (Palazzo Pontificio) |
ROME AND LORETO | Pious French Establishments in ROME AND LORETO (Villa Bonaparte) | Local: | Pieux Établissements français à ROME ET LORETTE (fr) + Pii Stabilimenti francesi a ROMA E LORETO (it) (Villa Bonaparte) |
TEUTONIC ORDER | Order of Brothers of the German House Saint Mary in Jerusalem : TEUTONIC ORDER (Vienna) | Local: | Orden der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus Sankt Mariens in Jerusalem : DEUTSCHER ORDEN (de) + Ordo Domus Sanctæ Mariæ Teutonicorum : ORDO TEUTONICUS (la) (Wien) |
ORDER OF MALTA | Autonomous Sovereign Military Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta : SMOM (Palace of Malta y + Via Condotti b) | Grandmaster Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie |