1920-APR-25 |
League of Nations Covenant : LON |
Flag or Logo since 1920-01-10 | Emblem or Symbol |
SG Sir James Eric Drummond (uk) (since 1919-05-07) |
Capitals & administrative places: | Geneva (Genève) |
Official & national languages: | English (en) . Spanish (es) . French (fr) . |
LEAGUE OF NATIONS | League of Nations Covenant : LON (Geneva) |
IPB | International Peace Bureau : IPB (Berne) | Local: | Bureau International de la Paix : BIP (fr) + International Peace Bureau : IPB (en) (Bern) |
LON | League of Nations Secretariat : LON (Geneva) | Local: | LEAGUE OF NATIONS Secretariat (en) + Secrétariat de la SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS (fr) + Secretaría de la SOCIEDAD DE LAS NACIONES (es) (Genève) |
PMC | Permanent Mandates Commission : PMC (Geneva) | Local: | Permanent Mandates Commission : PMC (en) + Commission Permanente des Mandats : CPM (fr) (Genève) |
AERIAL NAVIGATION | International Air Convention relating to the regulation of AERIAL NAVIGATION (Paris) | Local: | Convention internationale portant réglementation de la NAVIGATION AÉRIENNE (fr) (Paris) |
AMBASSADORS | Conference of AMBASSADORS of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers (Paris) | Local: | Conférence des AMBASSADEURS des Principales Puissances Alliées et Associées (fr) + Conference of AMBASSADORS of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers (en) (Paris) |
CTW | Committee on the Traffic in Women and Children : CTW (New York) | Local: | Committee on the Traffic in Women and Children : CTW (en) + Comité sur le Trafic des Femmes et des Enfants : CTF (fr) (New York) |
HPIO | Hygiene Permanent International Organization : HPIO (London) | Local: | Organisation Internationale Permanente d´Hygiène : OIPH (fr) + Hygiene Permanent International Organization : HPIO (en) + Organización Internacional Permanente de Salud : OIPS (es) (London) |
ILO | International Labour Organization : ILO Specialized Agency (London) | Local: | International Labour Organization : ILO (en) + Organisation Internationale du Travail : OIT (fr) + Organización Internacional del Trabajo : OIT (es) (London) |
IOC | International Opium Convention : IOC (The Hague) | Local: | International Opium Convention : IOC (en) + Convention internationale de l´Opium : CIO (fr) + Convención Internacional del Opio : CIO (es) (´s-Gravenhage) |
SCT | Section for Communications and Transit : SCT (Paris) | Local: | Section for Communications and Transit : SCT (en) + Section des Communications et Transports : SCT (fr) + Sección de Comunicaciones y Tránsito : SCT (es) (Paris) |
FRENCH LEVANT | High Commission of the French Mandate for Syria and Lebanon : FRENCH LEVANT (Chtaura) | Local: | Mandat français pour la Syrie et le Liban : LEVANT FRANÇAIS (fr) + Al-Intidab al-Firansi fi SURIYA WA LUBNAN : الانتداب الفرنسي في سوريا و لبنان (ar) (Chtaura) |
MARIENWERDER-KWIDZYN | Imperial Commissariat of the District of MARIENWERDER-KWIDZYN under the Administration and Plebiscite Commission of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers (Marienwerder) | Local: | Commissariat impérial du District de MARIENWERDER-KWIDZYN administré par la Commission de contrôle et de plébiscite des Principales Puissances Alliées et Associées (Marienwerder) |
MEMEL | MEMEL Territory [French Allied High Commission] (Memel) | Local: | Territoire de MEMEL (fr) + Memelgebiet : MEMELLAND (de) + Teritorija KLAIPÉDOJE (lt) (Memel) |
OLSZTYN-ALLENSTEIN | Inter-Allied Control Commission of Government and Plebiscite of the Imperial Commissariat of OLSZTYN-ALLENSTEIN District (Allenstein) | Local: | Commission de contrôle de contrôle et de plébiscite interallié du Commissariat impérial du District d´OLSZTYN-ALLENSTEIN fr) + Inter-Allied Control Commission of Government and Plebiscite of the Imperial Commissariat of OLSZTYN-ALLENSTEIN District (en) (Allenstein) |
PALESTINE | British Provisory Mandate of PALESTINE [Occupied Enemy Territory Administration South – OETA SOUTH] (Jerusalem) | Local: | British Mandate of Palestine : Occupied Enemy Territory Administration South : OETA SOUTH (en) + FILASTIN : فلسطين الانتدابية (ar) + Ha-Mandat ha-Briti al PALESTINA Eretz Yisrael : פָּלֶשְׂתִּינָה ארץ ישראל (he) (Jerusalem) |
SAAR | SAAR Territory [League of Nations Administration] (Saarbruecken) | Local: | SAARgebiet (de) + Territoire de la SARRE (fr) + SAAR Territory (en) (Saarbrücken) |
SCHLESWIG | Inter-Allied Commission of Government and Plebiscite for SCHLESWIG (Schleswig) | Local: | Inter-Allied Commission of Government and Plebiscite for SCHLESWIG (en) + Commission interalliée de Gouvernement et de Plébiscite pour le SCHLESWIG (fr) (Schleswig) |
TESCHEN | International Plebiscite Commission in the Duchy of TESCHEN (Teschen) | Local: | Commission de plébiscite internationale de TESCHEN (fr) + International Plebiscite Commission in TESCHEN (en) + TĚŠÍNSKÉ Knížectví (ces) + Księstwo CIESZYŃSKIE (pl) (Teschen) |
UPPER SILESIA | Inter-Allied Commission of Government and Plebiscite for UPPER SILESIA Province (Oppeln) | Local: | Commission interalliée de Gouvernement et de Plébiscite pour la Province de HAUTE-SILÉSIE (fr) + Inter-Allied Commission of Government and Plebiscite for UPPER SILESIA Province (en) + Provinz OBERSCHLESIEN (de) + Prowincji GÓRNY ŚLĄSK (pl) (Óppeln) |
ADJARIA | Free Port of Batumi and Coastal Area : ADJARIA [League of Nations Protectorate] (Batumi) | King George V |
DANZIG | High Commission of the City of DANZIG under the Authority of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers (Danzig) | Heinrich Sahm |
ARGENTINE | (Buenos Ayres a + Olivos b) | President Hipolito Yrigoyen | |||||
AUSTRALIA | (Melbourne a + Canberra l) | King George V | |||||
BELGIUM | (Brussels) | King Albert I | |||||
BOLIVIA | (Sucre cj + La Paz eir) | President Jose Gutierrez | |||||
BRAZIL | (Rio de Janeiro) | President Epitacio Pessoa | |||||
CANADA | (Ottawa) | King George V | |||||
SWITZERLAND | (Berne lq + Lausanne j) | President Giuseppe Motta | |||||
CHILI | (Santiago of Chili a + Valparaiso ls) | President Juan Luis Sanfuentes | |||||
COLOMBIA | (Bogota) | President Marco Fidel Suarez | |||||
CZECHOSLOVAKIA | (Prague a) | President Tomas Garrigue Masaryk | |||||
CUBA | (Havana) | President Mario Garcia Menocal | |||||
DENMARK | (Copenhagen) | King Christian X | |||||
SPAIN | (Madrid) | King Alfonso XII | |||||
FRANCE | (Paris) | President Paul Deschanel | |||||
GREECE | (Athens a) | King Alexander I | |||||
GUATEMALA | (Guatemala City) | President Carlos Herrera | |||||
HONDURAS | (Tegucigalpa) | President Rafael Lopez Gutierrez | |||||
HAYTI | (Port Au Prince) | President Philippe Sudre Dartiguenave | |||||
INDIA | (Delhi a + Simla s) | Viceroy Frederic Thesiger | |||||
PERSIA | (Tehran) | Soltan Ahmad Shah Kajar | |||||
ITALY | (Rome a) | King Victor Emmanuel III | |||||
JAPAN | (Tokyo) | Emperor Yoshihito | |||||
LIBERIA | (Monrovia) | President Charles Dunbar Burgess King | |||||
NICARAGUA | (Managua) | President Emiliano Chamorro | |||||
NETHERLANDS | (Amsterdam a + The Hague jlr + Wassenaar r) | Queen Wilhelmina | |||||
NORWAY | (Christiania) | King Haakon VII | |||||
NEW ZEALAND | (Wellington) | King George V | |||||
PANAMA | (Panama City) | Ernesto Tisdel Lefevre | |||||
PERU | (Lima) | President Augusto Leguia | |||||
POLAND | (Warsaw a) | Jozef Pilsudski | |||||
PORTUGAL | (Lisbon) | President Antonio Jose de Almeida | |||||
PARAGUAY | (Assumption) | Jose Pedro Montero | |||||
CHINA | (Peking) | President Hsu Shih-Chang | |||||
RUMANIA | (Bucharest) | King Ferdinand I | |||||
SWEDEN | (Stockholm) | King Gustav V | |||||
EL SALVADOR | (San Salvador) | President Jorge Melendez | |||||
SIAM | (Bangkok) | King Rama VI Vajiravudh | |||||
UNITED KINGDOM | (London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r) | King George V | |||||
URUGUAY | (Montevideo) | President Baltasar Brum | |||||
VENEZUELA | (Caracas) | President Victorino Marquez Bustillos | |||||
JUGO-SLAVIA | (Belgrade) | King Peter I Karageorgevich | |||||
SOUTH AFRICA | (Pretoria ae + Cape Town l) | King George V |
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