China-Canton 1925-MAY-12 - -   


COMMUNIST CHINA (Shanghai French Concession xRebellionExile Communist Party of China : CPC [in the First United Front Alliance with Kuomintang] : Chen Tu-Hsiu
CHINA (Peking) SDN Member Republic of CHINA [Peiyang Government of the Anhwei Clique] : Tuan Chi-Jui
CHINA-CANTON (Canton) Rebellion National Government of the Republic of CHINA in Kwangchow [Southern Government of the Kuomintang Clique] : Hu Hanmin
NORTHWEST CHINA (Jehol) De facto Semi-Independent Nationalist Army of the NORTHWEST [Kuominchun Clique] : General Feng Yu-Hsiang

Other Entities with similar names

National Government of the Republic of CHINA in Kwangchow [Southern Government of the Kuomintang Clique]

National Government of the Republic of CHINA in Kwangchow
[Southern Government of the Kuomintang Clique]

Flag or Logo since 1921-05-05
CHUNG-HUA Min-Kuo : 中華民國 (zh) RebellionDe facto Independent
Emblem or Symbol

Hu Hanmin
(ruler of CHINA-CANTON since 1925-03-12)
Capitals & administrative places: Canton
Official & national languages: