Nationalist China 1928-MAY-04 - -   


SOVIET CHINA (Yiyang gRebellion CHINESE Soviet Territories : Peng Pai
CHINA (Peking) SDN Member Military Government of the Republic of CHINA [Fengtien Clique] : Generalissimo Chang Tso-Lin
NATIONALIST CHINA (Nanking aRebellion Standing Committee of the National Government of the Republic of CHINA [Kuomintang Clique] : Tan Yen-Kai
NORTHWEST CHINA ((Changkiapao)) De facto Semi-Independent Nationalist Army of the NORTHWEST [Kuominchun Clique] : General Feng Yu-Hsiang

Other Entities with similar names

Standing Committee of the National Government of the Republic of CHINA [Kuomintang Clique]
(Nanking a)

Standing Committee of the National Government of the Republic of CHINA
[Kuomintang Clique]

Flag or Logo since 1921-05-05
CHUNG-HUA Min-Kuo : 中華民國 (zh) RebellionDe facto Independent
Emblem or Symbol

Tan Yen-Kai
(ruler of NATIONALIST CHINA since 1927-09-17)
Capitals & administrative places: Nanking a
a administrative, national or political capital (also ruler's residence)
Official & national languages: