Covalima 2009-JUN-01 - -   


AUSTRALIA  TIMOR-LESTE  UNITED NATIONS  Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste : DRTL [United Nations Integrated Mission in East Timor – UNMIT]
(Canberra) - (Dili) - (New York) - (Dili)

COVA LIMA District

Flag or Logo since 2009-06-01
Distrito de COVA LIMA (pt) + Distritu KOVA-LIMA (tet) + Distritu KOVA-LIMA (bfn)
Emblem or Symbol

Quentin Bryce
(ruler of AUSTRALIA since 2008-09-05)

President Jose Manuel Ramos-Horta
(ruler of TIMOR-LESTE since 2007-05-20)

SG Ban Ki Moon (kr)
(ruler of UNITED NATIONS since 2007-01-01)
Capitals & administrative places: Suai
Official & national languages: