Soviet Russia 1920-SEP-29 - -   


BYELORUSSIA (Minsk) De facto Semi-Independent Socialist Soviet Republic of Byelorussia : SSRB [Military Revolutionary Committee] : Alexander Chervyakov
BREST-LITOVSK (Brest-Litovsk)  BREST-LITOVSK District :
WHITE RUSSIA (Sevastopol) PCA Member Governorate of the SOUTH OF RUSSIA : Baron Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel
TRANSBAIKAL COSSACKS (Chita) RebellionDe facto Semi-Independent Provisional People´s Assembly of TRANSBAIKAL Republic [All Armed Forces of the East Part of Russia] : Ataman Grigory Semionov
SOVIET RUSSIA (Moscow) Rebellion Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic : RSFSR : Vladimir Ilich Lenin

Other Entities with similar names

Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic : RSFSR

Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic : RSFSR

Flag or Logo since 1920-09-29
Rossiyskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Federativnaya Sovetskaya Respublika : RSFSR – Российская Социалистическая Федеративная Советская Республика : РСФСР (ru) RebellionDe facto Independent
Emblem or Symbol

Vladimir Ilich Lenin
(ruler of SOVIET RUSSIA since 1917-11-08)
Capitals & administrative places: Moscow
Official & national languages: