Serbian Bosnia 1994-MAR-01 - -   


BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (Sarajevo) UNO Member Republic of BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA [United Nations Protection Force in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina] : President Alija Izetbegovich
HERZEG-BOSNIA (Mostar + Grude) Rebellion Croatian Republic of HERZEG-BOSNIA : President Mate Boban
SERBIAN KRAINE (Knin) Rebellion Independent Republic of SERBIAN KRAINE : President Milan Martich
SERBIA (Belgrade)  Republic of Serbia : RS :
SERBIAN BOSNIA (Banja Luka + Pale) Rebellion SERB Republic of Bosnia : President Radovan Karadzich

Other Entities with similar names

SERB Republic of Bosnia
(Banja Luka + Pale)

SERB Republic of Bosnia

Flag or Logo since 1992-03-27
Republika SRPSKA : Република СРПСКА (sr) RebellionDe facto Independent
Emblem or Symbol

President Radovan Karadzich
(ruler of SERBIAN BOSNIA since 1992-04-07)
Capitals & administrative places: Banja Luka + Pale
(Banja Luka + Pale)
Official & national languages: