Rhodesia 1911-AUG-17 - ethnia.org -


SOUTHERN AFRICA (Maseru)  High Commission in and for South Africa : SAHC [High Commission Territories of Southern Africa] :
RHODESIA (Salisbury) De facto Semi-Independent British South Africa Company : BSAC [Rhodesia Protectorate] : King George V
SOUTH AFRICA (Pretoria ae + Cape Town lDe facto Semi-Independent British Dominion of the UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA : King George V

Other Entities with similar names

(Salisbury) - (London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r) -

British South Africa Company : BSAC
[Rhodesia Protectorate]

Flag or Logo since 1900-01-01
British South Africa Company : BSAC (en) De facto Semi-Independent
Emblem or Symbol

King George V
(ruler of UNITED KINGDOM since 1910-05-06)
Capitals & administrative places: Salisbury
Official & national languages: