Tubas 2022-JAN-06 - ethnia.org -


State of PALESTINE [Palestinian National Authority : PNA] WEST BANK District [Area A under Palestinian Authority]
(Ramallah qr + (East Jerusalem)) (Ramallah)

TUBAS Governorate
[Area A Enclaves]

Flag or Logo since 2006-02-17
Muhafazah TÛBÂS : محافظة طوباس (ar)
Emblem or Symbol

President Mahmoud Abbas
(ruler of PALESTINE since 2005-01-15)
Capitals & administrative places: Tubas
Official & national languages: Arabic (ar) .

Other Independent or Semi-Independent Polities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

GAZA STRIP Hamas Government in GAZA STRIP  (Gaza qr)
ISLAMIC PALESTINE Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement : PIJ [Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine]  (Beirut-West + Damascus + Gaza)
PALESTINE State of PALESTINE [Palestinian National Authority : PNA]  (Ramallah qr + (East Jerusalem))

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

AREA B Israeli-Palestinian Co-Administered Enclaves of AREA B  (Abu Dis)
BETHLEHEM BETHLEHEM Governorate [Area A Enclaves]  (Bethlehem)
EAST JERUSALEM United Area of EAST JERUSALEM  (East Jerusalem)
HEBRON HEBRON Governorate [Area A Enclaves]  (Hebron)
HOLY LAND French National Domain in the HOLY LAND [French Territories in Jerusalem]  (Church of Saint Anne + Eleona Monastery + Tomb of the Kings + Abbaye Saint Mary of the Resurrection of Abu Gosh)
JERICHO JERICHO Governorate [Area A Enclaves]  (Jericho)
JERUSALEM NEUTRAL ZONE JERUSALEM NEUTRAL ZONE under United Nations Truce Supervision Organization [Israeli Occupation]  (Government House of Jerusalem)
JERUSALEM WAQF Holy Muslim Sites in Jerusalem : Directorate of the JERUSALEM ISLAMIC WAQF  (Al-Aqsa)
JUDEA AND SAMARIA JUDEA AND SAMARIA Area [Area C under Israeli Administration]  (Ariel)
KALKILYAH KALKILYAH Governorate [Area A Enclaves]  (Kalkilyah)
NABLUS NABLUS Governorate [Area A Enclaves]  (Nablus)
NOBLE SANCTUARY Holy Muslim Sites in the West Bank : NOBLE SANCTUARY [Palestinian Administration]  (Noble Sanctuary)
PALESTINIAN REFUGEE CAMPS IN GAZA STRIP PALESTINIAN REFUGEE CAMPS IN GAZA STRIP : UNRWA-United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East  (Beach Camp)
PALESTINIAN REFUGEE CAMPS IN THE WEST BANK PALESTINIAN REFUGEE CAMPS IN THE WEST BANK : UNRWA-United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East  (Aqabat Jaber)
QUDS JERUSALEM Governorate [Governorate of Al-Quds – Area A Enclaves]  (Bethany)
RAMALLAH AND EL-BIRA RAMALLAH AND EL-BIRA Governorate [Area A Enclaves]  (El-Bira)
SALFIT SALFIT Governorate [Area A Enclaves]  (Salfit)
TULKAREM TULKAREM Governorate [Area A Enclaves]  (Tulkarem)
UNTSO United Nations Truce Supervision Organization : UNTSO  (Government House of Jerusalem)
WAQF Directorate of the WAQF [Palestinian administration of the Holy Muslim Sites under Jordanian Protection]  (Al-Aqsa)
WEST BANK WEST BANK District [Area A under Palestinian Authority]  (Ramallah)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-JUN-09 ~ .