Karenni 2008-MAY-15 - ethnia.org -


POPULAR KARENNI (Kayah Borders) Rebellion Karenni National People´s Liberation Front : KNPLF : Sandar Shwe War
PADAUNG (Pekhon) Rebellion Kayan New Land Party : KNLP [Padaung Land] : Shwe Aye
KARENNI (Huaypon Long) RebellionDe facto Semi-Independent United Karenni States : UKS : Khu Bya Reh
KAYAH (Loikaw)  KAYAH State :
MOBYE (Pekhon)  Special Region Three of the Kayah State : MOBYE :
KAWTHOOLEI (Law Khee Lar) RebellionDe facto Semi-Independent Government of the Republic of KAWTHOOLEI : SG Naw Zipporah Sein
KAYIN (Hpa-An)  KAYIN State :

Other Entities with similar names

(Huaypon Long) - (Bangkok) -

United Karenni States : UKS

Flag or Logo since 2008-05-15
United Karenni States : UKS (en) RebellionDe facto Semi-Independent
Emblem or Symbol

Khu Bya Reh
(ruler of KARENNI since 2002-01-01)

King Rama IX Bhumibol Adulyadej
(ruler of THAILAND since 1946-06-09)
Capitals & administrative places: Huaypon Long
(Huaypon Long)
Official & national languages: