Transjordan 1948-MAY-28 - -   


TRANSJORDAN (Amman) UNO Observer Hashemite Kingdom of TRANSJORDAN : King Abdullah I
NORTH JORDAN (Nablus)  Iraqi Occupied Territories in NORTH JORDAN :

Other Entities with similar names

Hashemite Kingdom of TRANSJORDAN

Hashemite Kingdom of TRANSJORDAN

Flag or Logo since 1939-03-02
Hashemite Kingdom of TRANSJORDAN (en) + Al-Mamlakah SHARQI AL-URDUNN Al-Hashimiyyah : اَلمَمْلَكَة شرق الأردن اَلهَاشِمِيَّة (ar) UNO Observer
Emblem or Symbol

King Abdullah I
(ruler of TRANSJORDAN since 1928-02-28)
Capitals & administrative places: Amman
Official & national languages: Arabic (ar) . English (en) .


TRANSJORDAN Hashemite Kingdom of TRANSJORDAN  (Amman)

4 Divisions:

AMMAN AMMAN Territory  (Amman)Local: AMMAN Territory  (Amman)
DESERT Unorganized Land of DESERT  (Mafraq)Local: Ardu AS-SAHRA : أرض الصحراء (ar) + Unorganized Land of DESERT (en)  (Mafraq)
KERAK KERAK Province  (Kerak)Local: Muhafazah AL-KARAK : محافظة الكرك (ar) + KARAK Province (en)  (Al Karak)
MAAN MAAN Province  (Maan)Local: Muhafazah MA´ĀN : محافظة معان (ar) + MA´AN Province (en)  (Ma´an)

1 Territory:

TRANSJORDANIAN PALESTINE Transjordanian Arab Legion Territory in PALESTINE  (Jerusalem)Local: Aradi al-Jaish al-Arabi fi FILASTIN : أراضي الجيش العربي في فلسطين (ar)  (Al-Quds)

1 Condominium:

HOLY LAND French National Domain in the HOLY LAND [French Territories in Jerusalem]  (Church of Saint Anne + Eleona Monastery + Tomb of the Kings + Abbaye of Abu Gosh)Local: Domaine national français en TERRE SAINTE (fr)  (Église Sainte-Anne + Monastère d´Eléona + Tombeau des Rois + Abbaye d´Abou Gosh)

9 Organisations or Groupings membership (selective)

ARAB LEAGUE League of Arab States : ARAB LEAGUE  (Cairo)
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization : ICAO Specialized Agency  (Montreal)
INTERNATIONAL TRADE International Trade Organization : ITO  (Havana)
ITU International Telecommunication Union : ITU Specialized Agency  (Geneva)
REFRIGERATION International Institute of Refrigeration : IIR  (Paris)
UPU Universal Postal Union : UPU Specialized Agency  (Berne)
WHO World Health Organization : WHO Specialized Agency  (Pregny)
WORLD BUSINESS International Chamber of Commerce : ICC [The Word Business Organization]  (Paris)
WORLD TOURISM International Union of Official Travel Organizations : IUOTO  (London)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

AJLOUN AJLOUN Province  (Ajloun)
BALKA BALKA Province  (Salt)
HADITHA AL-HADITHA Border Zone  (Al-Haditha)
JEBEL ANIZAH JEBEL ANIZAH Border Area  (Jebel Anazah)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-SEP-07 ~ .