Palestinian Judaism 1941-SEP-24 - -   


International Organization PALESTINE 

Chief Rabbinate of British Mandatory PALESTINE

Flag or Logo since 1900-01-01
Chief Rabbinate of PALESTINE (en) + Ha-Rabanut Ha-Rashit Li-PALESTINA : הרבנות הראשית של פלסטין (he) + Al-Hakhamiat al-Kubraa fi FILASTIN : الحاخامية الكبرى في فلسطين (ar) Organisation
Emblem or Symbol

Chiefs Rabbis (ps)
(since 1921-02-23)
Capitals & administrative places: Jerusalem
Official & national languages: Arabic (ar) . English (en) . Hebrew (he) .

1 Member   (excluding the associate or suspended members but including the countries represented on their behalf)   [The rulers are not necessarily the representatives in the organisation. ] :

PALESTINE (Jerusalem) King George VI

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-SEP-07 ~ .