Connaught 1900-JAN-01 - -   


GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND  UNITED KINGDOM  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland : UK GBI Country of IRELAND
(London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r) - (London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r) - (London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r)(Dublin)

Province of CONNAUGHT

Flag or Logo since 1900-01-01
Province of CONNAUGHT (en)
Emblem or Symbol

Queen Victoria
(ruler of UNITED KINGDOM since 1900-01-01)
Capitals & administrative places: Galway
Official & national languages: English (en) .

5 Territories:

GALWAY County GALWAY  (Galway)Local: County GALWAY (en)  (Galway)
LEITRIM County LEITRIM  (Carrick-on-Shannon)Local: County LEITRIM (en)  (Carrick-on-Shannon)
MAYO County MAYO  (Castlebar)Local: County MAYO (en)  (Castlebar)
ROSCOMMON County ROSCOMMON  (Roscommon)Local: County ROSCOMMON (en)  (Roscommon)
SLIGO County SLIGO  (Sligo)Local: County SLIGO (en)  (Sligo)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

IRELAND Country of IRELAND  (Dublin)
LEINSTER Dukedom of LEINSTER  (Kildare)

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UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-SEP-07 ~ .