South Georgia 1982-APR-25 - -   


GEORGIA (Atlanta)  State of GEORGIA :
GEORGIA (Tbilisi) De facto Semi-Independent Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic : GSSR : Eduard Shevardnadze
SOUTH GEORGIA (Grytviken v + King Edward Point v SOUTH GEORGIA Dependency :
GEORGIA-IN-EXILE (Leuville on Orge) Exile GEORGIAN National Organization [Association for the Georgian Home] : Interregnum

Other Entities with similar names

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Realms [British Colonial Empire]
(London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r)


Flag or Logo since 1982-04-25
SOUTH GEORGIA Dependency (en)
Emblem or Symbol

Queen Elizabeth II
(ruler of UNITED KINGDOM since 1952-02-06)
Capitals & administrative places: Grytviken v + King Edward Point v
(Grytviken + King Edward Point)
v local station or semi-inhabited settlement
Official & national languages: English (en) .


SOUTH GEORGIA SOUTH GEORGIA Dependency  (Grytviken + King Edward Point)

1 Divisions:

SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND Group  (Grytviken + King Edward Point)Local: SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND Group (en)  (Grytviken + King Edward Point)

Other Territories or Entities within the 2024's internationally recognized Country boundaries:

SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS Argentine Naval Base of SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS  (Corbeta Uruguay on Morrell Island)

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Thank you.
UPDATED ON: ~ 2024-SEP-07 ~ .