1916-APR-30 |
(London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r) - (London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r) - |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland : UK GBI |
Flag or Logo since 1900-01-01 | Emblem or Symbol |
Capitals & administrative places: | London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r (London + Westminster + Edinburgh + Windsor) |
a administrative, national or political capital (also ruler's residence)
l legislative or parliamentary capital, seat of government r ruler's residence (royal or presidential, primary or secondary) r summer capital |
Official & national languages: | English (en) . |
GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland : UK GBI (London + Westminster + Edinburgh + Windsor) |
ENGLAND | Country of ENGLAND (London a + Westminster lr) | Local: | Country of ENGLAND (en) (London + Westminster) |
IRELAND | Country of IRELAND (Dublin) | Local: | Country of IRELAND (en) (Dublin) |
SCOTLAND | Country of SCOTLAND (Edinburgh) | Local: | Country of SCOTLAND (en) (Edinburgh) |
ROCKALL | Disputed Zone of ROCKALL (-) | Local: | Zone of ROCKALL (en) (-) |
CZECHOSLOVAKIA | Czech National Council : CNR (Paris m + London rx) | Tomas Garrigue Masaryk |
JUGO-SLAVIA | YUGOSLAV Committee (London x) | Frano Supilo |