Colombia-Conservatives 1957-JAN-01 - -   


COLOMBIA (Bogota) UNO Member Republic of COLOMBIA [The Violencia Civil War] : President Gustavo Rojas Pinilla
COLOMBIA-CONSERVATIVES ((Bogota)) Rebellion Colombian Conservative Party : CCP Guerilla Zones : Laureano Gomez
COLOMBIA-LIBERALS (Riochiquito) Rebellion Independent Republics of the Civil Guerrillas in UPPER ARIARI [Liberal and Communist Zones of the Republic of Marquetalia] : Jacobo Prias Alape

Other Entities with similar names

(Bogota) - ((Bogota)) -

Colombian Conservative Party : CCP Guerilla Zones

Flag or Logo since 1948-04-09
Partido Conservador Colombiano : PCC (es) Rebellion
Emblem or Symbol

President Gustavo Rojas Pinilla
(ruler of COLOMBIA since 1953-06-13)

Laureano Gomez
(ruler of COLOMBIA-CONSERVATIVES since 1953-06-13)
Capitals & administrative places: (Bogota)
() capital or HQ de facto partially ou totally outside of the territory
Official & national languages: