Yacuambi 2018-OCT-22 - ethnia.org -


Republic of ECUADOR Autonomous Region of REGION SOUTH ZAMORA-CHINCHIPE Province
(San Francisco of Quito) (City of the Immaculate Conception of Loja)(Zamora of the Alcaides)

Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government of YACUAMBI Canton

Flag or Logo since 2006-02-09
Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del Cantón YACUAMBI (es) + YACUAMBI (jiv) + YAKUAMPI Kiti (qwe)
Emblem or Symbol

President Lenin Moreno
(ruler of ECUADOR since 2017-05-24)
Capitals & administrative places: San Vicente of Yacuambi
(San Vicente de Yacuambi)
Official & national languages: