Drango 1902-DEC-24 - ethnia.org -


NEPAUL  UNITED KINGDOM  THIBET  CHINA  Kingdom of THIBET [under Chinese and Nepalese Suzerainty] KHAM Province Hor States : HORPA STATES
(Kathmandu) - (London a + Westminster lr + Edinburgh s + Windsor r) - (Lhasa) - (Peking) - (Lhasa)(Dartsedo)(Dartsedo)


Flag or Logo since 1900-01-01
BRAG ´GO : བྲག་འགོ (bo) + BRAG MGO : བྲག་འགོ (ero)
Emblem or Symbol

Maharajah Prithivi Bir Bikram Shah Dev
(ruler of NEPAUL since 1900-01-01)

King Edward VII
(ruler of UNITED KINGDOM since 1901-01-22)

Dalai Lama Thubten Gyatso
(ruler of THIBET since 1900-01-01)

Emperor Kwang-Hsu Tsai-Tien
(ruler of CHINA since 1900-01-01)
Capitals & administrative places: Hsintu
Official & national languages: