French Morocco 1922-NOV-12 - -   


FRENCH MOROCCO (Rabat)  French Protectorate in the Sharifi Empire of MOROCCO :
SPANISH MOROCCO (Tetuan)  Spanish High Commission in MOROCCO [Spanish Protectorate of Morocco] :
SOUTH MOROCCO (Kerdous) Rebellion SOUTH MOROCCAN Sultanate : Merebbi Rebbo
MOROCCO (Rabat aDe facto Semi-Independent Sharifi Empire of MOROCCO [French and Spanish Protectorates] : Sultan Mulay Yusef

Other Entities with similar names

(Paris) - (Rabat a) -

French Protectorate in the Sharifi Empire of MOROCCO

Flag or Logo since 1919-03-13
Protectorat français dans l´Empire chérifien : Protectorat français au MAROC (fr) + Himaïet Fransa fi el-MAGHREB : حماية فرنسا للمغرب (ar)
Emblem or Symbol

President Alexandre Millerand
(ruler of FRANCE since 1920-09-21)

Sultan Mulay Yusef
(ruler of MOROCCO since 1912-08-13)
Capitals & administrative places: Rabat
Official & national languages: